
Reporting Geographic Coordinates

Geographic Coordinate Expressions

Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS):

Decimal Degrees (DD):

Converting from DMS to Decimal Degrees

DD = Degrees + (Minutes/60) + (Seconds/3600)

Latitude = 40 + (51/60) + (59/3600) N = 40.866389°

Longitude = 124 + (4/60) + (58/3600) W = -124.082778°

Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS)

Coordinates for the same location can be expressed in different ways:

Decimal Degrees (DD)

We almost always need spatial data to be in Decimal Degrees in order to work with it in a computer.

Name Longitude Latitude
Wagar 231, CSU -105.082° 40.5750°
New Belgium -105.069° 40.5930°
Paris 2.2945° 48.8582°
South Pole ? -90°
Bird's Nest (China) 116.391° 39.9915°

Spatial Accuracy in DMS

Spatial Accuracy in DD

Test Yourself

Test Your Knowledge

When working with spatial data, we almost always use:

Decimal Minutes
Degrees Minutes Seconds
Decimal Degrees

Which of the following statements is false?

Each degree contains 60 minutes
Each minute contains 60 seconds
Each degree contains 90 minutes.


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