Students should have experience in ArcGIS and just need a refresher. The bulk of students should have just taken GSP 101 but some will be transfer students so they may not be familiar with the network and computers at HSU. Start with making sure that everyone can login to their computer. If they cannot, give them a guest login. Make sure to get a show of hands or walk around to make sure everyone is logged in.
Show the students how to launch ArcMap and then show them that is it a typical application with a main window and menus. Now, walk through the lab with them. Then, leave them to further improve and customize their map. Make sure the following points are addressed as a many students repeatly make these mistakes:
Before anyone leaves, make sure to get their attension and let them know how to backup their work. Those with a login can use the network drive. Another option is a thumb drive. Lastly,since this is a small lab, they can “zip” it and mail it to themselves. Mention that it is good to always have at least two backups of their work.
Points will be subtracted for the map as follows:
Other points will be deducted appropriately while points will be added for exceptional work.
Should cite the template if they use any of the original text
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