In Lab Turn-In (GSP 270 face-to-face classes only)
A screen capture of your progress (JPEG).
Take Home Turn-In
At this point in this course, you should now be familiar with writing a lab report. The purpose of the lab reports in this course is to communicate your results, show your work, and check your understanding of the lab exercise.
Writing reports is directly related to the experience you will encounter as a GIS Analyst out in the workforce. Even if you do not plan to work as a GIS Analyst, competency in writing and communication is a fundamental skill any employer will expect from a college graduate.
For this lab assignment, you will be required to submit a report with the following sections:
- Abstract
- This section should be at least a paragraph in length, following the guidelines described in the report template.
- At a minimum, the abstract should contain one sentence summarizing each section of the report. Because of this, it is easiest to write your abstract after the rest of the report is completed.
- Introduction
- This section should include a locator map layout of your music festival location relative to Humboldt County. At a minimum, a north arrow and scale bar should be included.
- Remember to include background information on planning events rather than describing the lab.
- Methods
- This section should include the formulas you used to calculate your "Count" and "Capacity" for each area. MS-Word has an equation editor that takes a little time to learn to use but the results are worth it. To get started in MS-Word, select the "Insert" tab and click on "Equation". Below is an example of the first equation from MS-Word:

- Results
- This section should include a map layout showing the entire Music Festival with Parking, Event Field, and Campsites clearly labeled. Each region should be a separate color for clarity.
- This section should also include a table of your results for each region including name, area in square meters, count, and capacity.
- Conclusion
- This section should include the answers to the following discussion questions:
Based on this analysis, how many tickets do you recommend selling at this festival?
What additional factors could be included when trying to estimate event capacity?
- Acknowledgments
- If you use any base maps other than your own, you should cite your sources here.
Warning: We are expecting the reports to be well written, with professional quality maps. Points will be deducted exponentially for any chronic issues and persistent mistakes.
Incomplete lab assignments will receive a grade of 0.