

In Lab Turn-In (GSP 270 face-to-face classes only)

A screen capture of your progress (JPEG).

Take Home Turn-In

At this point in this course, you should now be familiar with writing a lab report. The purpose of the lab reports in this course is to communicate your results, show your work, and check your understanding of the lab exercise.

Writing reports is directly related to the experience you will encounter as a GIS Analyst out in the workforce. Even if you do not plan to work as a GIS Analyst, competency in writing and communication is a fundamental skill any employer will expect from a college graduate.

For this lab assignment, you will be required to submit a report with the following sections:

Warning: We are expecting the reports to be well written, with professional quality maps. Points will be deducted exponentially for any chronic issues and persistent mistakes.
Incomplete lab assignments will receive a grade of 0.

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