

1. Introduction

Implementation is about writing code. Typically this means writing the code from the bottom-up where you complete the classes designed in the previous phase and then integrate them together into a completed software product.


Getting it Done

The challenges in implementation are largely figuring out how to get the task done quickly and effectively. If there is more than one person involved, it also means making sure everyone works together well.

Source Control Systems

One person can manage a small number of files of code without much problem. Over time, you may find yourself changing one portion of the code and finding out sometime later that the change broke another piece of code. This is especially true for reusable modules. As more individuals are added to a project, the problems of synchronizing and tracking changes become critical. This is when you'll want a source code control system.

Source code control systems allow multiple users to share in development of the same code base. There are a variety of source control systems available but I recommend that you use one that requires a developer to "check out" a file before editing it. Then, they check it back in for everyone else to get the updated version. This prevents developers from "stepping" on each others code edits.

Today, many developers are moving to GitHub because is allows groups to work on code over the Internet.

Defect Tracking

See the section on testing.

Debugging Strategies

Remember to:

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