Henry Whipps | 4/16/2015 Script names: -BarPlotInterface.py -BarPlotModule.py -MeanAndStdCalc.py The "BarPlotInterface" script uses a function in the "BarPlotModule" to create a bar plot using the numpy and matplotlib libraries. The bar plot is formatted to use mean and standard deviation data from a study with two classes (i.e. male/female or morning/evening) and multiple groups of data for each class. The "MeanAndStdCalc" uses a function in "BarPlotModule" to calculate the mean and standard deviation for five groups of data (and more/less with a little modification of the code), which can then be entered in to the bar plot interface. Important note: Both the "BarPlotInterface" script and the "MeanAndStdCalc" can each be ran as is with the sample data I entered into the scripts. The "MeanAndStdCalc" script uses print statements as results so it should be ran in a GUI.